The Points Scheme Used by the Londonderry Corporation to Allocate Council Houses 1946-1969
Why is this important? For many decades, the vast majority of academics claimed that the Londonderry Corporation did not use a points scheme for the allocation of houses. It was a serious error. The rediscovery of the points scheme is an important step in correcting this mistake.Londonderry Corporation Housing Manager Report on Selection of Council Tenants 1953
Why is this important? Many academics have speculated that Londonderry’s Lord Mayor alone allocated council houses. This report by the council’s Housing Manager explains what actually happened.Londonderry Development Commission Memorandum on Housing Matters April 1969
Why is this important? The Londonderry Corporation was suspended in April 1969 and replaced by an unelected Londonderry Development Commission. Here are extracts from the memorandum (minutes) of its first meeting to discuss housing. It resolved to continue using the Londonderry Corporation’s housing points scheme “until further notice”. This demonstrated that a points scheme was in use and that it was considered suitable for allocating houses.The Belfast Corporation Housing Points Scheme
Why is this important? A comparison of this points scheme with that used by Londonderry Corporation shows that they are very similar. It does therefore seem to be unreasonable to praise the one council and aim excessive criticism against the other with regard to their use of points schemes.The Northern Ireland Housing Trust Points Scheme
Why is this important? The Trust did not receive the same criticism as the Londonderry Corporation about the way it allocated houses in Londonderry. Yet its points scheme is very similar to that used by the Londonderry Corporation.Why is this important? The comparison table in this document shows that the points schemes used by these three bodies are very similar. Readers can make their own comparisons by viewing the full versions of the points schemes via the links above, but this table provides a simplified overview.
Londonderry Corporation Housing Projects in Hand or Under Consideration in January 1969
Why is this important? Many writers claimed that the Londonderry Corporation stopped building houses. This was not the case. This report to the Housing Sub-Committee shows those projects which were in hand at 31 January 1969.